

We are true specialists, focussing our advice in the following 3 areas:

1. Wills

Making a will means that you can rest, knowing that your assets and possessions are passed to the people you want them to go to. If you don’t make a will then they will be distributed as per very specific and strict rules, which means the people you want to benefit from your estate, may not end up doing so.

2. Lasting Power of Attorney 

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you lost the capacity to act on your own behalf? Having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place allows you to know that if the worst should happen, someone you know and trust is legally able to act on your behalf in matters relating to finance, health and welfare.  

3. Estate Planning 

Inheritance Tax (IHT) can become a real issue if you haven’t planned for it. There a number of strategies that can be put in place to help either plan for, reduce or remove IHT altogether.
Any regulated Financial Advice that may need to be implemented, for example as part of an IHT strategy or Estate Planning would be referred to our sister company AKORN Financial Advice Ltd. For more information please see their website www.akornfa.co.uk  

Do you want some advice?

If you need help or advice, once of our friendly team are here to help.
AKORN Legal Limited is registered in England and Wales no. 13589674. Registered office, The Landmark, School Lane, Burnley, BB11 1UF